Robert E. Smith

Image of Robert E. Smith, PhD

Academic Resume

Academic Employment

Indiana University | 1978 – 2011 | Kelley School of Business | Professor of Marketing |


University of Wisconsin | PhD 1977 | Major: Marketing | Minor: Social Psychology |

University of Wisconsin | MBA 1971 | Major: Marketing |

University of Wisconsin | BS 1970 | Major: Marketing |

American Marketing Association Doctoral Consortium Fellow | 1975 |

Journal Publications

Research on Creativity

Jiemiao Chen and Robert E. Smith (2018) “The Boundaries for Ad Creativity – the Effects of Type of Divergence on Brand Processing and Response,” Journal of Brand Management (forthcoming).

Jiemiao Chen, Xiaojing Yang, and Robert E, (2016), “The Effects of Creativity on Advertising Wear-in and Wear-out,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Volume 44, Number 3, pp. 334-349.

Yang, Xiaojing, and Robert E. Smith (2009), “Beyond Attention Effects: Modeling the Persuasive and Emotional Effects of Advertising Creativity,” Marketing Science, Volume 28, Issue 5 (September – October), pp. 935-949.

Smith, Robert E., Jiemiao Chen, and Xiaojing Yang (2008), “The Impact of Advertising Creativity on the Hierarchy-of-Effects,” Journal of Advertising, Volume 37, Number 4 (winter), pp. 47-61.

Smith Robert E., Scott B. MacKenzie, Xiaojing Yang, Laura Buchholz, and William K. Darley (2007), “Modeling the Determinants and Effects of Advertising Creativity,” Marketing Science, Volume 26, Issue 6 (November-December), pp. 819-833.

Smith Robert E. and Xiaojing Yang (2004), “Toward a General Theory of Creativity in Advertising: Examining the Role of Divergence,” Marketing Theory, Volume 4 (1/2), pp. 31-58.

Research on the Integrated Information Response Model

Kempf, De Anna S., Russ Laczniak, and Robert E. Smith (2006), “The Effects of Gender on Processing Advertising and Product Trial Information,” Marketing Letters, 17 (1) pp. 5-16.

Kempf, De Anna S. and Robert E. Smith (1998), “Consumer Processing of Product Trial and the Effects of Prior Advertising: A Structural Modeling Approach, Journal of Marketing Research, Volume 35, Number 3 (August) pp. 325-338.

Krishnan, H. Shanker and Robert E. Smith (1998), “The Relative Endurance of Attitudes, Confidence and Attitude-Behavior Consistency: The Role of Information Source and Delay,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, Volume 7 (3), pp. 273-298.

Smith, Robert E. and Christine A. Vogt (1995), “The Effects of Integrating Advertising and Negative Word of Mouth Communications on Message Processing and Response,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp. 133-152.

Smith, Robert E. (1993), “Integrating Information from Advertising and Trial: Processes and Effects on Consumer Response to Product Information,” Journal of Marketing Research, Volume 30, Number 2, (May), pp. 204-219.

Smith, Robert E. and William R. Swinyard (1988), “Cognitive Response to Advertising and Trial: Belief Strength, Belief Confidence and Product Curiosity,” Journal of Advertising, Volume 17, Number 3, pp. 3-14.

Smith, Robert E. and William R. Swinyard (1983), “Attitude-Behavior Consistency: The Impact of Product Trial versus Advertising,” Journal of Marketing Research, Volume 20, Number 3, (August), pp. 257-267.

Smith, Robert E. and William R. Swinyard (1982), “Information Response Models: An Integrated Approach,” Journal of Marketing, Volume 46, Number 1, (Winter), pp. 81-93.

Research on Marketing Communications

Samu, Sridhar, H. Shanker Krishnan, and Robert E. Smith (1999), “Using Advertising Alliances for New Product Introduction: Interactions between Product Complementarity and Promotional Strategies,” Journal of Marketing, Volume 63, Number 1, (January), pp. 57-74.

Darley, William K. and Robert E. Smith (1995), “Gender Differences in Information Processing Strategies: An Empirical Test of the Selectivity Model in Advertising Response,” Journal of Advertising, Volume 24, Number 1, (Spring), pp. 41-56.

Darley, William K. and Robert E. Smith (1993),” Advertising Claim Objectivity: Antecedents and Effects,” Journal of Marketing, Volume 57, Number 4, (October), pp. 100-113.

Smith, Robert E. and Laura M. Buchholz (1991), “Multiple Resource Theory and Consumer Processing of Broadcast Advertisements: An Involvement Perspective,” Journal of Advertising, Volume 20, Number 3, (September), pp. 1-8.

Buchholz, Laura M. and Robert E. Smith (1991), “The Role of Consumer Involvement in Determining Cognitive Response to Broadcast Advertising,” Journal of Advertising, Volume 20, Number 1 (March), pp. 4-17.

Smith, Robert E. and Tiffany S. Meyer (1980), “Attorney Advertising: A Consumer Perspective,” Journal of Marketing, Volume 44, Number 2, (Spring), pp. 56-64.

Meyer, Tiffany S. and Robert E. Smith (1979), “Attorney Advertising: Bates and A Beginning,” Arizona Law Review, Volume 20, Number 2, (August), pp. 42-483.

Smith, Robert E. and Shelby D. Hunt (1978), “Attributional Processes and Effects in Promotional Situations,” Journal of Consumer Research, Volume 5, Number 3, (December), pp. 149-158.

Smith, Robert E. and Robert F. Lusch (1976), “How Advertising Can Position a Brand,” Journal of Advertising Research, Volume 16, Number 1, (February), pp. 37-43.

Journal Service and Awards

Journal Review Board Memberships

Journal of Advertising Editorial Review Board Member | 1987-2002 |

Journal of Marketing Editorial Review Board Member | 1981-1999 |

Reviewing Awards

Journal of Advertising Outstanding Reviewer Award | 1999 |

Journal of Marketing Outstanding Reviewer Award | 1996 |

Occasional Reviewing

Journal of Marketing Research

Journal of Consumer Research

Marketing Science

Marketing & Psychology

Journal of Consumer Psychology

Journal of Retailing

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Sciences

Teaching Interests and Courses Taught

Consumer Behavior (Undergraduate and Doctoral)

Creativity in Marketing (Undergraduate and Doctoral)

Marketing Communication (Undergraduate and Graduate)

Customer-Oriented Strategy (Graduate)

Principles of Advertising (Undergraduate)

Advertising Strategy (Undergraduate)

Marketing Management (Undergraduate)

Teaching Awards and Nominations

Indiana University

Trustee’s Teaching Award – Awardee (2010, 2009, 2003) Nominee (2008, 2007, 2006, 2004)
Awarded by Indiana University Trustees. One of six Kelley School of Business undergraduate faculty recipients.

Student Choice Award – Awardee (2009, 1997) – Nominee (2008, 2004, 2002, 1996)
Awarded by IU Student Alumni Council for outstanding teaching.

Kelley School of Business

Beyond Kelley Award – Awardee (2011, 2008)
Alpha Kappa Psi business fraternity recognizes instructors for excellence in the classroom. Awards are determined by student voting.

Outstanding Teaching and Positive Impact Award – Awardee (2007, 2009)
The Kelley School of Business Senior Classes of 2007 and 2009 recognized instructors for outstanding teaching, mentoring, and enduring positive impact on their lives. Awards are determined by student voting.

Harry C. Sauvain Teaching Excellence Award – Awardee (2010, 2008)
Awarded to one Kelley School of Business faculty member each year.

Memorable Faculty Award – Awardee (2009)
Awarded by Alpha Kappa Psi Alumni for teaching concepts applicable beyond the classroom. One of ten Kelley School of Business undergraduate faculty recipients.

Exceptional Inspiration and Guidance Award Award – Nominee (2002)
Awarded by the Doctoral Student Association.

Innovative Teaching Award – Nominee (1998)
Awarded by IU School of Business for developing Creativity in Marketing.

Teaching Excellence Award in Marketing – Awardee (1997, 1995, 1991)
Awarded by Alpha Kappa Psi Alumni. One of four Kelley School of Business faculty recipients.

Schuyler F. Otteson Outstanding Teaching Award – Awardee (1988) – Nominee (1996, 1995, 1989)
Awarded by Alpha Kappa Psi Alumni. One of four Kelley School of Business faculty recipients.

Dow Undergraduate Teaching Excellence Award – Awardee (1989)
Awarded by Indiana University, Department of Marketing. One of five marketing department faculty recipients.

Outstanding Faculty Award – Awardee (1987) – Nominee (1984, 1983)
Awarded by Indiana University Student Alumni Council. One of five Indiana University faculty nominees.

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