About Us
Self-Discovery Overview
1.01 Self-Identity
1.02 Self-Expression
1.03 Self-Esteem
1.04 Self-Importance
1.05 Personal Bias
1.06 Personal Relationships
1.07 Personal Creativity
1.08 Personal Growth
Psychology Overview
2.01 Internal Model
GX-Refusing to Fail
2.02 Memory
GX-Elaboration Learning Technique
2.03 Beliefs and Values
2.04 Cognitive Consistency
GX-Conquering Cognitive Consistency
2.05 Involvement
2.06 Feelings
GX-Changing Attitudes
Motivation Overview
3.01 Maslow’s Hierarchy
3.02 Preconditions
GX-Expressing Your Intrinsic Self
3.03 Deficiency Needs 1-4
3.04 Deficiency Needs 5-8
3.05 Neurotic Needs
GX-Overcoming Grumbling
3.06 Subconscious Needs
GX-Coping with Modern Stress
GX-Releasing Unconscious Feelings
3.07 Growth Needs
3.08 Life’s Journey
Relationships Overview
4.01 Relationships Overview
4.02 Threats to Relationships
4.03 Conflict
4.04 Self-Importance
4.05 Consequences of SI
4.06 Losing Self-Importance
GX-Losing Self-Importance
GX-Gaining Self-Worth
4.07 Cognitive Consistency
GX-Conquering Cognitive Consistency
4.08 Psychological Distance
GX-Living in Truth
4.09 Being Love
4.10 Stress
GX-Coping with Modern Stress
4.11 Subconscious Tension
GX-Releasing Unconscious Tension
4.12 Boredom
4.13 Life Cycles
GX-Relationship Assessment
Creativity Overview
5.01 Understanding Creativity
5.02 Creative Process Stages
5.03 Creative Vortex
5.04 Creative Intent
5.05 Problem Deconstruction
5.06 Divergent Thinking Strategies Overview
5.07 Divergent Thinking Strategies 1-5
5.08 Divergent Thinking Strategies 6-10
5.09 Divergent Thinking Experiments
CVX – Divergent Questioning
CVX – Artistic Expression
CVX – Fantastical Thinking
CVX – Living in the Future
CVX – Exposure to New Stimuli
CVX – Boundary Crossing
CVX – Metaphorical Thinking
CVX – Idea Pyramiding
CVX – Empathetic Listening
CVX – Creative Writing
5.10 Evaluation of Solutions
5.11 Solution Trial
Growth Overview
6.01 Growth Overview
6.02 Psychology eXperiments
GX-Refusing to Fail
GX-Elaboration Learning Technique
GX-Conquering Cognitive Consistency
GX-Changing Attitudes
6.03 Motivation eXperiments
GX-Expressing Your Intrinsic Self
GX-Overcoming Grumbling
GX-Releasing Unconscious Feelings
GX-Coping with Modern Stress
6.04 Relationship eXperiments
GX – Losing Self-Importance
GX-Gaining Self-Worth
GX-Living in Truth
GX-Relationship Assessment
6.05 Counter Thinking eXperiments
Personal History
GX-Erasing Personal History
Diminishing Returns
GX-Being Inaccessible
Acting with Believing
GX-Acting Without Believing
GX-Eliminating Self-Pity
Petty Tyrants
GX-Overcoming Petty Tyrants
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