This section provides multiple opportunities for personal discovery and also serves as an overview of the entire site. For a brief description of what is covered in each sub-section, along with the estimated completion time, see the Discovery Grid below.

1.01 Self-Identity
Learn who you are and why you act the way you do – including both biological and cultural influences. Investigate the purpose of life and how to live yours to the fullest.
1.02 Self-Expression
Discover the importance of self-expression and why it is so critical to your relationships and quality of life.
1.03 Self-Esteem
Self-esteem is often misunderstood. Learn its three major determinants and how to increase them.
1.04 Self-Importance
and Self-Worth
Understand these critical concepts, how they influence your daily life, and how they can help – or hurt – your relationships.

1.05 Personal Bias
Identify how personal bias impacts the way you view the world and interact with others. Find out how truth seeking and cognitive consistency shape your opinions for better or worse.
1.06 Personal Relationships
Discover how your behavior affects the people you care about most and what you can do to improve your key relationships.
1.07 Personal Creativity
Learn how creativity is defined, why it is so important in the modern world, and what you can do to improve your problem solving skills.
1.08 Personal Growth
Gain an understanding of the importance of a growth mindset to living a happy and productive life.