It’s important to give credit where credit’s due and we would like to thank everyone who has helped us develop this site. Without your expertise, feedback and skill, this site wouldn’t have happened. We do our best to keep this page updated. If you find an error or omission, however, please contact us and will update the credits promptly. Thanks again – We love all of our developer friends!

This site has gone through many iterations in its short life. It wouldn’t be where it is today without the creativity and technical skills of several companies and individuals. Thank you ladies and gentlemen!
Karmick Solutions Thanks for helping us develop our custom survey, analysis & feedback tool. Without it our interactive and intellectual vision would not have been possible. You’ve helped in so many other ways, too including speeding us up when we were sluggish and polishing our style when we were clunky. We cannot thank you enough for your time and talent you have used working on our site. We look forward to continuing our relationship as we develop our ideas further together.
Anuva Thanks for helping us streamline the design of this site. When we were cluttered you gave us clarity and helped us to learn the limitations of our current survey options.
WordPress Thanks for being so open-source special. We support the entire open-source development community and plan to give back in both treasure and talent.
Jiangmei Wu Thanks for getting us started and introducing us to the world of web design. Without your initial design, HTML, and Flash work we would never have gotten this project off the ground.
Hire Indians Thanks for introducing us to jQuery. We had ideas we didn’t know how to execute and your efforts helped us to express them.
We have benefited greatly from the open source community and would like to acknowledge the companies, plugins & developers that are being used at the site.
Database Browser Thanks for making browsing and downloading our data so easy.
Fast Secure Contact Form Thanks for helping us to create a secure way for our customers to contact us.
WordPress MembershipThanks for helping us to divide our content so that we can give some of it away for free.
WP-Members Thanks for helping us register our customers.
WPTouch Mobile Thanks for helping us to create an awesome mobile site.
Imagery is so important and adds so much to this site and our educational movies. While we snapped a few pics ourselves, we want to thank the many great photographers that contribute to these easy to use & affordable stock sites. Without you this Site wouldn’t be nearly as cool.
Thinkstockphoto Thanks for thinking of the little guy when developing your pricing structure. Without a sale on your yearly subscription this site & our movies wouldn’t look be nearly as artistic.
Dreamstime Thanks for having some important images we couldn’t find elsewhere.
Shutterstock Thanks for your short term subscription plans. You helped us continue production & use fresh imagery when we couldn’t afford a long term commitment.
iStockphoto Thanks for introducing us to Thinkstock when we couldn’t afford all of your awesomeness and for helping us take our work to the next level when we could.
Making mini videos has been great fun. Watching them has been even better. Housing them was a different story. While YouTube is great, it can be rather limiting if you don’t want ads on your channel. Fortunately, there are many commercial hosting services available to the ad-free advocate.
Wistia Thanks for creating a super easy interface and straight forward pricing structure. Posting videos is now a joy instead of a technological test of wills.
This site includes a lot of technical information. Therefore, it is important to provide technical explanation to make sure everyone understands what we are presenting. To help us express ourselves clearly we used several online dictionaries, thesauruses, encyclopedias, and search engines. Thank you to all of the contributors to these bastions of knowledge and proper use of English. The wording and definitions of this site are greatly improved because of you.
Thank you for everything! Without you we wouldn’t know about all the mistakes we’ve made. Your support, honest feedback and creative ideas have helped us greatly. You’re the best!