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Understanding. Creativity. Growth.
Reach your goals. Solve your problems. Fulfill your potential. How? Through understanding, creativity, and growth.
To see how the process works, scroll down or click on any or all of the following life defining questions below. Watch a 2-minute video and answer a few interesting questions. Receive customized feedback and personal recommendations for growth. Take the first step toward a better future.
What Our Customers Are Saying
I love the feeling of walking into class saying to myself,
‘I’m about to teach these people something powerful enough to change their lives.’
The concepts were easy to grasp through the multiple routes of learning.
Skill Acquisition

Process. Effort. Success.
Learn the Process. Acquire Skills. Be Successful.
This unique system has five main elements: (1) interesting videos provide the content, (2) provocative questions help you elaborate the material, (3) customized feedback shows how your answers compare to others, (4) personal recommendations highlight areas where you can grow, and (5) growth eXperiments outline specific actions for self-improvement.
Video Instruction

1) Video-Based Learning
Content is presented in engaging videos that average only 2 minutes. Quality visuals are used to elaborate the material, not talking heads. Video text and popup definitions make learning easier and self-paced.
Provocative Questions

2) Answer Provocative Questions
Thoughtful questions are posed after each video. Your answers will reveal important aspects of your personality and the success of your future relationships. Apply the material to yourself, not an abstract case study.
Customized Feedback

3) Receive Customized Feedback
Your answers are analyzed using statistical inference. You will receive instant, data-based, feedback and analysis showing how you compare to other people, not platitudes and anecdotes.
Personal Recommendations

4) Get Personal Recommendations
Receive personalized ideas for growth based on your answers, not one-size-fits-all suggestions. Find out where you can benefit most by growth and why it is important to your future success.
Growth eXperiments

5) Growth eXperiments
After exploring the content, it’s time to grow. There are 17 Growth eXperiments and 10 Creativity eXperiments available to you. Watch yourself grow as you complete the process.
Start Growing Today!
Start Growing Today!
Now that you know the details, what are you waiting for? Begin your journey today.