Motivation Overview
Understand Human Motivation. Express Your Intrinsic Self. Cope Effectively with Stress. Activate Your Growth Needs.
In this section you’ll be introduced to the full set of human needs including the five preconditions to need satisfaction. You’ll learn which needs come first, why it is important to satisfy all of them, and how get in touch with your latent desire for growth. You will also explore how needs become frustrated and effective methods for coping with stress. For a brief description of each sub-section and related eXperiments see the Motivation Grid below.
3.01 Motivation
3.02 Preconditions
3.03 – 3.04 Deficiency Needs
3.05 Neurotic Needs
3.06 Subconscious Needs
3.07 Growth Needs
3.07 Growth Needs
While growth needs are often dormant in young adults they are crucial to your long-term success and happiness. Discover how you can activate these needs in order to lead a more authentic and intrinsic life.
Completion Time: 9 Minutes
3.08 Life’s Journey
GX – Growth eXperiments
GX – Growth eXperiments
Apply what you’ve learned by completing the Motivation growth eXperiments. They will teach you how to: express your intrinsic-self, cope with modern stress, overcome the human tendency to complain, and release unconscious feelings in a positive way.
eXperimentation Period: 1 Week Each
Meet Your Needs
Meet Your Needs
Start your free trial to find out how well you’re coping with modern stress. No registration required so why not start learning today?